
29th BSCB GenSoc UK Cilia Network e-symposium


Date: 13 July 2021

29th BSCB GenSoc UK Cilia Network e-symposium

Date: July 13th 2021 Time: 15:00 - 17:30 GMT

3:00 -3:05 Pleasantine Mill Opening Remarks

3:05 -3:25 Dan Jagger, PI (University College London, UK) 'The inner ear as a readout of ciliopathy gene dysfunction'.

3:25 - 3:45 Raj Ladher, PI (NCBS, Bangalore, IN) 'The role of cilia in the acquisition of a planar polarised auditory epithelium.'

3:45 - 4:05 Abigail Moye, postdoc, Wensel lab (Baylor College of Medicine, US) 'Ultrastructural analysis of the Cep290 mutant axoneme in mouse photoreceptors.

4:05 - 4:25 Gáspár Jékely, PI (University of Exeter, UK) 'Sensory and motile cilia in Platynereis larvae'.

4:25 - 4:45 Susana Lopes, PI (NOVA Medical school- CEDOC, PT) 'Flow manipulations in the left-right organizer'.

4:45 - 5:05 Antonio Feliciello, PI (University of Naples, IT) 'Coupling cAMP signaling to protein turnover in ciliogenesis and cancer'.

Location:  Online

Updated by: Pleasantine Mill