Dr Claire Hogg
Paediatric respiratory consultant
Clinical lead Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
United KingdomRoyal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
020 7351 2681
Research Interests
Dr Claire Hogg has carried out research into inflammatory markers in chronic suppurative lung disease, ciliopathies in lung disease and associated conditions and the development of diagnostics for PCD.
She has a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) post-doctoral fellowship grant to advance her team's research interests in EM tomography of human cilia, an area in which the Trust leads global research.
Dr Hogg is a:
- Head of the COST Action BEAT-PCD Training School
- Member of the European PCD Consortium
- Partner of the ERS BESTcilia programme grant (2013)
- Founder member of the Ciliopathy Alliance UK,
- Trustee of the Brompton Fountain Charity
- Fellow of the RCPCH.
- Staff Governor of the ROYAL Brompton Hospital Council of Governors