
PhD Students

Birkbeck, University of London

Stephanie Webb

Miss Stephanie Webb

PhD Student

Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Birkbeck, University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07496 380910

Intraflagellar Transport, Kinesin-2, Cryo-EM, TIRF, Cilia

Brunel University London

Mustafa Wehbe

Mr Mustafa Wehbe

College of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cilia, ciliogenesis, tumor invasion, cancer

University of Cambridge

Viviana Macarelli

Miss Viviana Macarelli

PhD student

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Hypothalamic, Neurons, Stem cells, Obesity

Chris van Hoorn

Mr Chris van Hoorn

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Aaran Vijayakumaran

Mr Aaran Vijayakumaran

PhD Researcher

MRC Toxicology
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Motile cilia, Electron Microscopy, Cell Biology, Super Resolution Imaging, Omics Technologies

University College London

Andreas Matthaiou

Dr Andreas Matthaiou

Doctoral Student

Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Department of Genetics and Genomic Medicine
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Benjamin Walker

Dr Benjamin Walker


University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Ciliary beating, Microscale swimming, Beat-pattern analysis

University of Edinburgh

Chloe Brotherton

Miss Chloe Brotherton

University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Zewen Ding

Mr Zewen Ding

PhD student

University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Federica Genovese

Miss Federica Genovese

Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Flossie Roberts

Miss Flossie Roberts

PhD Student

The Roslin Institute
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Scott Waddell

Dr Scott Waddell

Postdoctoral Fellow

MRC Human Genetics Unit
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Primary cilia, Liver biology, Polycystic Liver/Kidney Diseases, Cancer biology

Emory University

University of Exeter

Rebecca Poon

Ms Rebecca Poon

Living Systems Institute
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Imperial College London

Mafalda de Almeida Gomes

Miss Mafalda de Almeida Gomes


Genomic Medicine, NHLI
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07377 391520

PCD, primary ciliary dyskinesia

Lancaster University

Aro Nugawela

Ms Aro Nugawela

Research Student

Department of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Lancaster University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07494 442213

Flagellum, paraflagellar rod, Axoneme, Cell cycle, Trypanosomes, Cell Signalling

University of Leeds

Travis Bannell

Mr Travis Bannell

PhD Student

School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07522 778729

Fibrocystin, ARPKD, CEP290, Structural biology, Molecular biology

Magdalena Karwatka

Miss Magdalena Karwatka

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Hira Khan

Miss Hira Khan

PhD student

Ochi lab
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Centrosome, Centrosomal protein, POC1

Rowan Taylor

Ms Rowan Taylor

PhD student

Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

retinal dystrophies, induced pluripotent stem cells, CRISPR/Cas9, patient variant modelling

University of Liverpool

Conor Fawcett

Mr Conor Fawcett

PhD Student

University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Synaptonemal Complex, TEX12, Centrosome, PLAYR

University of Manchester

Fangfei JIANG

Miss Fangfei JIANG

PhD student

School of Biological Sciences
University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07536 349636

Cilia, Spliceosome, Congenital heart disease, left-right axis defects

MRC Harwell Institute

Laura Dyer

Miss Laura Dyer

MRC Harwell Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cilia, Left-Right Patterning, Embryonic Node, Polycystins, PKD2

Rosie Little

Ms Rosie Little

PhD student

MRC Harwell Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cilia, Left-right, Node, NVPs, FGF

Newcastle University

Miguel Barroso

Mr Miguel Barroso

Institute of Genetic Medicine
Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Primary cilia, Joubert syndrome, Mouse genetics

Laura Devlin

Miss Laura Devlin


Institute of Translational and Clinical Research
Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Joubert Syndrome, Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, Renal Ciliopathies, Murine Models

Rebecca Marie Dewhurst

Miss Rebecca Marie Dewhurst

PhD Student

Institute of Translational and Clinical Research
Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Joubert Syndrome, Ciliopathies, Urine-Derived Renal Epithelial Cells

University of Oxford

Theana Johnson

Miss Theana Johnson

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07864 368810

mechanotransduction, organoid, cartilage, growth plate, organ on chip

Muyang Ren

Miss Muyang Ren

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

dynein, Tetrahymena

Oxford Brookes University

Yaimie Lopez

Miss Yaimie Lopez

PhD student

Oxford Brookes University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07541 063338

Leishmania, Flagellum, Cytoskeleton, Actin

Barrack Omondi Owino

Mr Barrack Omondi Owino

PhD student

Oxford Brookes University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Leishmania, Haptomonad, Attachment plaque, Flagellum Attachment Zone

Shahaan Shafiq

Mr Shahaan Shafiq

Oxford Brookes University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Lauren Wilburn

Ms Lauren Wilburn

PhD student

Oxford Brookes University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07913 055327

IFT, Disassembly, parasite

Queen Mary University of London

Olivia Allen

Miss Olivia Allen

PhD student

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bone, Primary cilia, Organ-Chip, Mechanosensing, Inflammation

Beth Cutting

Miss Beth Cutting

PhD student

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Polycystic Kidney Disease, Kidney organ chip, Primary cilia, Mechanosignalling

Emma Duncan

Emma Duncan

William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Mohammed Dushti

Mr Mohammed Dushti

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
YU Hou

Miss YU Hou

PhD Student

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organ-on-a-chip, Primary cilia, Mechanobiology, Inflammation

Dariel Jurado Terrazas

Mr Dariel Jurado Terrazas

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Lovely Monney

Miss Lovely Monney

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Primary cilia, Kidney, Epithelium, Cell biology, Mechanobiology

University of Sheffield

Emily Tilley

Miss Emily Tilley

PhD Student

University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Opsin transport, Rod photoreceptors, Connecting cilium, Zebrafish

University of Southampton

Katie Horton

Miss Katie Horton

University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07784 351865

Primary ciliary dyskinesia, Biofilm, Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae, Host-pathogen interactions

Jonathan Ong

Dr Jonathan Ong

Clinical Research Fellow

Faculty of Medicine
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Cellular models for PCD

Anastasia Papadopoulou

Ms Anastasia Papadopoulou

PhD student

Biological Sciences
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07842 425821

Primary cilia pocket, Lipid biology, Endocytosis, Chondrocytes, Cell signalling

Ulsan national institute of science and technology



Ulsan national institute of science and technology
flag of United KingdomSouth Korea

UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences



PhD Student

School of Biological Sciences
UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
flag of United KingdomIndia

Transcription factors in ciliogenesis, Motile cilia, Ciliary proteins, Molecular biology, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Sharada Iyer

Ms. Sharada Iyer

Junior Research Fellow

School of Biological Sciences
UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
flag of United KingdomIndia

Motile cilia, Ciliopathy, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Chlamydomonas, Motility

University of Utah

Erin Kober

Ms Erin Kober

Graduate Student

Biochemistry Department
University of Utah
flag of United KingdomUnited States
Esther Okafor

Mrs Esther Okafor

Research Assistant

Department of Biochemistry
University of Utah
flag of United KingdomUnited States

Cilia, Adipogenesis, Obesity, TGFB, Metabolic diseases, Ciliopathy

University of Warwick

Shams Neupane

Miss Shams Neupane

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom